Is the U.S. a True Democracy?


We hear the word time and time again. President Obama reminded us of the importance of a commitment to democracy in his latest inaugural address:

“Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago.” Continue reading

4 Ways Social Media Impacted The 2012 Election

As more and more voters turn to the Internet to find information on campaigns and issues, more and more of our politicians have followed suit.

Did you know that both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have at least nine official resources online, not including their mobile apps? The New York Times recently took a comparative look at our 2012 presidential candidates’ social media presences and found each candidate has the following resources: Continue reading