If you’re just get started on your path to becoming an engaged citizen, you may be realizing there have been some gaps in your education when it comes to important current events and political issues. Civic engagement, or addressing issues of public concern at the civilian level, is important for affecting change, and we are more empowered to make changes if we are well-educated on the issues.
Why? This is because there are many roadblocks and bumps on the road to civic engagement and truly affecting change, and a better map of the issue can help you chart a successful course and find detours when you get stopped. Perhaps you and your friends are in protest of your town’s new proposed housing project, which would displace low-income families already in the area. To begin to tackle the issue, you’ll need all of the information you can possibly gather about the situation, and you’ll need to learn the most effective channels for getting your voice heard. Maybe circulating a petition and presenting it to your town council would be most effective. Or perhaps you find that petitions are generally ignored, so you want to gather some community members to speak at the next town hall meeting. Continue reading