This is your chance to say you want members of Congress to be accountable
I’m putting together a confidential list of voters who believe they would use PeopleCount once it’s completed. This list will be shown to a few potential sponsors. Please send me a short letter saying that you plan to use PeopleCount, and optionally a few words about who you are, a short bio. Please start with your name and the city in which you live. If you want to just have your initials show, just list them. So, something like:
R Strauss, Mountain View, CA, computer software engineer, I would love to use PeopleCount.
Please send your email to
Reminder: What’s PeopleCount?
On PeopleCount, you’ll hold them accountable, with others. You’ll:
- Vote on issues
- See how others in your district, state and the country vote (the vote counts)
- Say on which issues you want short monthly reports from your representatives
- Grade the reports on how well they’re doing their job representing their voters
- See their average grades
This will let you, easily and quickly:
- Get the information you want from your politicians
- Quickly tell them what you want
- Know what you can expect from them
- Let politicians connect to voters at low cost, making money less important in politics
- Allow good people to run effective campaigns without becoming professional politicians
- Make Congress accountable to voters
Thanks much,