America is trying SO HARD to make our Democracy work. Stop it!
Millions of hours and billions of dollars, for what???
We literally spend millions of hours and billions of hours trying to fight each other to elect better people. And it doesn’t even work.
In the last election:
- 1/8 of voters voted for Hillary
- 1/8 of voters held their noses and voted for Hillary
- 1/8 of voters voted for Hillary
- 1/8 of voters held their noses and voted for Hillary
- 1/2 of voters didn’t vote
Hello? HELLO? Does this seem like it’s working to you?
Millions of hours and billions of dollars invested into working a broken system produces broken results. That’s the way life is SUPPOSED to be.
Analogy- a 2-wheel car
America is like a 2-wheel car. It has a great engine, a nice chassi, and parts of the interior are extremely plush and comfortable. It’s a front-wheel drive car, and has two great front wheels.
Hello? America, are you listening? The back wheels are missing!
This past year, we’ve gone on a car trip. We put millions of hours and billions of dollars into driving our car through another election. To someone on the outside, it looked a lot of friction and sparks coming off the back end as we dragged it across the trip. It’s not pretty and we didn’t get very far.
And the congress and presidency we’ve created from it look pretty lame. But that’s the way it should be. What God intended for cars is that if you drive a car with no rear wheels, it works really, really badly.
Stop working so hard.
With a few hours and a few dollars, we can have nice rear wheels
Instead, I propose we supply what’s missing- rear wheels. You have no clue how nice it’ll be! We’ll be able to simply roll along and make progress. It’s not dirt-simply, but it’s pretty simple.
All you need to do is add your email address to our announcement list and donate $20. If 15,000 of you do that, we can fix our democracy. If 100,000 of you do that, I can guarantee results.
If you want to read about it, I’ve written tons. If you want to help, send me an email. If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it. But if you want to take a chance on turning America around, it’s only your email address and $20…
I have NOT been able to do it without you. And without you, the future looks bad for you, and for us. Maybe someone will come to the rescue- a fair number of people have a million to spare (though few of them are less cynical than you.)
My suggestion
Put your cynicism away, for a few moments, and add your email address to our announcement list and donate $20.