Self-definition is key to creating political accountability. If politicians don’t buy into a rigorous, workable definition of political accountability, including defining themselves as accountable to citizens, it’s not going to happen.
Example of how Self-Definition Determines our Actions
Recently a consultant gave me a free hour of consulting. It was interesting and valuable. Plus he ended up being enthusiastic about PeopleCount and suggested we contact a particular wealthy person who lived near him. I asked if he knew this wealthy person, if he had some contact information. No, but he was connected to him on Facebook. And on Facebook, I was connected to this consultant.
So after the call I went on Facebook and found the wealthy person and sent him a message. There was no reply. On Facebook, one has to make special effort to see messages from non-friends, so people often don’t see them. So after a few days I asked the consultant if he’d send the wealthy person a message introducing me. He begged off, saying he didn’t know this person well enough. I said it was just a short message- that he liked what we’re up to. What was he committed to, a better world, or the idea that he had to know the person well to introduce me to him?
The consultant basically answered that he didn’t work for me. Sigh…
About a week later, he sent me another reply on Facebook. It was supportive and appreciative, and encouraged me to keep making requests. So I sent him a reply to please let it be a quick, little task that’s easy to do. (I haven’t received a reply yet…)
Conclusion: Our Self-Definition supports the world we know, not the world we want
My point is that however my request occurred to him, it was all due to his self definition. He felt it wasn’t appropriate to make the introduction. Why? Because of how he viewed himself and the world. And he believed the feeling instead of overcoming it. He had feelings consistent with his rules of survival as a consultant and a shy social animal. He believed those instead of creating himself in a world he’d prefer, where one can turn on strangers to great opportunities.
I get such stuff all the time from people when I explain how will work. All we need is a definition of political accountability to constituents that’s much more complete, and a structure that allows us to act in accordance with that definition. It’d help a lot if these new actions were rewarding both to us citizens as well as to politicians. And that’s what delivers.
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