If I won the lottery? I’d create the future.

A question arose on Facebook:  What would you do if you won the lottery?

My answer: If I won the lottery I’d keep doing what I’m doing, I’d create the future of humanity (except full time.)

What if we could all communicate effectively about what we want for the future of the planet, and work together effectively to build it? What if 99% of the money and energy spent on political fighting could be spent on making food, education, green energy, and good jobs plentiful? And eradicating disease, ignorance, fear and war?

Looking at the past, it looks impossible. But walking forward is always error-prone if you’re looking backward, or even to the side. The rate of change has always surprised most people, yet it’s predictable. If you knew all the incredible stuff that was invented recently and knew what people were working on, no inventions would surprise you. The reason why we’re surprised so often, whether by nano-bots, 3D printing, massive government surveillance or solar roadways is because we feel our problems are real and persistent, and along with them, our identity, our abilities and the world.

With politics, the feelings are usually resignation and frustration. With government, the feeling is usually cynicism, plus fear that the other party will gain power and make things worse.

What we fail to realize is that those are just feelings. What’s possible in the future isn’t limited to what we feel is possible. In realizing this, I realized it’s possible to end hunger, war, poverty, disease, even suffering, if we communicate and work together effectively. And I saw that there’s nothing in the way of us doing these, but there is something missing. So we’re building it.

This is what I”m doing with my life, transforming politics from being expensive battles to being how we constructively, peacefully and inexpensively design our future together. And we’ll transform government from gridlock, boondoggles and low approval ratings to how we work together effectively.

And, though winning the lottery would help, I don’t need to win the lottery to live a life of fulfillment and contribution.  Nor do you all. Spend 15 minutes per week, voting on issues and enrolling with your friends. And you needn’t match my spending. Just donate $20 or send me an email and volunteer a few hours. Do that, and I guarantee I’ll deliver.

Come join me, on PeopleCount.org.

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About Rand Strauss

Rand Strauss is the Founder of PeopleCount.org, a nonpartisan plan to enable the public to communicate constructively with each other and government by taking stands on crucial political issues. It will enable us to hold government accountable and have it be an expression of our will. Connect with Rand and PeopleCount.org on Facebook. Or leave a comment on an article (they won't display until approved.)

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