The Difference between a Republic and a Democracy

In a Facebook discussion, someone objected to my saying that America is no longer a democracy. They said it was never intended to be. It was always intended to be a republic. And they pointed to this piece, on the difference between a democracy and a republic.

Democracy or Republic?

They define a republic as a “constitutional democracy”. It limits the majority rule to not trespass on individual rights. They say a republic IS democratic, but is not “a democracy”. To them, in a democracy, the majority, even 51%, has absolute power.

Technically, America was meant to be a republic.

  1. That definition of “democracy” is not common parlance. I looked it up in (democracy, republic) and (democracy, republic). They list no such distinction. The definition of democracy in the latter does have “majority rule” as the 4th definition. And it is absent from the definition of republic.
  2. In the US, a super-majority can change the constitution.
  3. The main point- no one’s arguing for 51% rule or an end to constitutional law.
    In America, the people no longer have power.

Today America is neither a democracy nor a republic.

We have a political system that creates laws for those with money and power. Or so said the 2014 Princeton study. America is not a republic and hasn’t been one for years. (I think their study went back to the 1970’s)

Second in power to those with money are the parties, with their gerrymandering and their control of the primaries and their refusal to consider a fair voting system. Third would be the media, though many would argue they’re controlled by the wealthy as well.

The people can be restored to power

PeopleCount is designed to restore the people to power. It will rejuvenate representative government to represent the people. Today our representatives represent whoever they want. In the above technical terms, it will restore the republic.

Today our elected officials are not accountable to the people. Accountability is a relationship that involves influence and control, reporting, and the power to judge in a way that makes a difference, and to fire and hire. The people have none of these.

Please take a stand for restoring your place as a citizen as the primary power in our republic. Please add your name to our announcement list.

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About Rand Strauss

Rand Strauss is the Founder of, a nonpartisan plan to enable the public to communicate constructively with each other and government by taking stands on crucial political issues. It will enable us to hold government accountable and have it be an expression of our will. Connect with Rand and on Facebook. Or leave a comment on an article (they won't display until approved.)

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