Politics is Much More Complex than our Truisms

Truisms are rarely true, and easily lead to us accepting poor performance.

Is this first truism true?

A1: Democracy only works if the public is engaged.

This would be clearer as:

A2:  Only if the public is engaged does democracy work.

Logically, this seems true. But it’s misleading for many reasons.

  1. It doesn’t say what kind of engagement is needed.
  2. It doesn’t say what it means for democracy to work. Is this just elections being free and fair?
  3. It doesn’t say who the public is. Everyone? Voters? Most voters? At least 51% of voters?

Ignoring all those ambiguities for a moment, let’s look more at the statement. The “only if” tells me that the (logically equivalent) contrapositive statement is probably clearer. So let’s rewrite it as that:

A3: If the public is not engaged, democracy doesn’t work.

Writing it this way, it seems true, at first. But then it occurs to me that at times, democracy still can work. So the statement is technically false. We could make it true by adding “reliably” or “always”:

A4: If the public is not engaged, democracy doesn’t reliably work.

So the first statement A1 is technically false, but often true. So it’s misleading. Statement A4 seems true, but has a lot of ambiguity.

Is this second truism true?

B1: Democracy works if the public is engaged.

Or clearer:

B2: If the public is engaged, then democracy works.

To me, this is clearly false. The ambiguity of “engagement” makes this false. Even if we assume it means “engaged with politics” or “engaged with governance”, there are many ways of engaging that are not helpful to democracy:

  • Broadcasting propaganda, that is, broadcasting lies and using fear tactics
  • Engaging in name-calling, sewing division. Name-calling is almost always inaccurate, so this is similar to propaganda, but usually on a smaller scale.
  • Rioting, or attacking people or places
  • Voting is good, but not sufficient to create democracy
  • Sending money to candidates, another strategy proven to be insufficient
  • Writing letters-to-the-editor, or letters to one’s representatives. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s also insufficient

So the public might be engaged in a way that hurts democracy, or doesn’t help democracy, or helps, but isn’t sufficient.

Like the A statements, “the public” and “works” are ambiguous.

What DOES it mean for Democracy to work?

Is a representative democracy just one that has free and fair elections?

If so, are America’s elections free and fair? Gerrymandering makes many unfair. So do the many forms of disenfranchisement, whether due to “cleaning” voter rolls without first making an effort to contact people, not having vote-by-mail and making few polling places so people must travel far or wait in long lines, or not making election day be a week or at least a holiday.

Plus America mostly uses its ancient plurality (winner-take-all) voting system which only works reliably when there are two candidates. And a huge unfairness is our 2-party system. Actually, ANY system with parties tends to be unfair, but the fewer the parties, the less fair it is.

Besides free and fair elections, what else could it mean for a democracy to work? Perhaps: “Passes laws that most voters approve of.”  Is that enough? How about, “Passes laws that most well-informed voters approve of”? If you recall, the 2014 Princeton study found that popular support was lacking for most legislation passed by Congress since 1980.

Truisms are Rarely True

Truisms are rarely true. Yet we traffic in them. We use them as shortcuts to feel good while we avoid thinking. We think that if we vote, or if we stay somewhat informed and vote, that we’re being upstanding citizens, that we’re doing enough to support democracy. Sure, it means we’re trying.  But maybe we’re not actually being effective. Maybe we’re buying into our own cultural mythology.  Maybe, even, we’re helping our myths weaken America.

American democracy seemed to have worked at times. And it seems to have failed at times. Why did we never analyzed why? Or if someone did, why didn’t it make it into public consciousness?

At PeopleCount, we’ve done a new analysis of American politics. What’s needed is for politicians to be accountable to voters. What’s accountability? A relationship that can actually be rigorously defined. This is how voters need to be engaged, holding up their end of the accountability relationship. PeopleCount will make that possible.

Life is much more complex than the simple truisms that rattle around our brains. Please support PeopleCount creating a political communication system designed to make democracy work.

American Heroism, No Saving Officer Ryan

Recognizing heroism always helps a speech. But I object to Trump’s exploitation of the death of Chief Special Warfare Officer William “Ryan” Owens. And I object to Trump’s lie- the mission returned no actionable intelligence.

Was Owens a hero? Yes. He prepared tirelessly and plunged into a dangerous mission and gave his life. His parents are heroically dealing with his loss and their grief.

Truly heroic Americans

The true heroes are all the men and women who’ve died in the Middle East escapades that Bush needlessly started. Their families heroically go on, bearing the sadness. And their comrades are heroes, many struggling to heal deep physical wounds. And those with and without physical wounds who bravely keep on, bearing the grief of the loss of so many, plus their PTSD and depression. And their guilt. As heroes, they feel guilty for being human, unable to save their comrades from harm. Many heal, but many can not. Meanwhile the lure of drugs gives many heavier burdens. I salute the heroism of all of their families who struggle to help them as well as withhold help at times so they can help themselves.

Non-American heroism

Plus the heroism of the millions in the Middle East in countries that have been destabilized and had many of their own killed or injured by the violence. They, too, struggle with heartache and PTSD, but without our Veterans Administration and hospitals. Many have no haven of a peaceful homeland in which to heal.

For many, it began when their husbands, brothers and fathers were thrust into unemployment when the US dismissed the Iraqi police and army. And then it exploded in the civil war that rash act unleashed. Many were tortured by Americans and humiliated as well. Some of those created Isis as their last hope. Since then, many saw their sons and daughters lured into Isis, only to have them abused and enslaved and lure others.

Plus many of the same in Africa, where the militants have spread. Bush’s escapades spread us too thin to effectively help in many parts of the world. Especially, it stopped us from being able to take a positive initiative to stem the spread of radicalism.

Heroic and generous hosts

And the millions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa that have opened their countries and communities to many of the refugees. Some of these refugees, displaced from their cultures, have reacted with violence to the new cultures in which they were placed. Especially young men whose cultures prepared them to be strong workers and parents in their homelands, not displaced, unemployed refugees in a distant land.

The sin of pride

Bush’s big mistake was a sin, pride. Pride is often considered to be the worst of the seven deadly sins. He acted in ignorance. He forsake responsibility and gave power to people similarly arrogant and ill-informed, people smart but without wisdom, without ethics at their cores.

And this is Trump’s mistake. Unlike Bush, Trump has an excuse. His cognitive deficits, his narcissism, prevent him both from being truthful, humble or even realizing how prideful he is.

And it’s the Republican mistake. Instead of working with Obama for 8 years, they vilified and opposed him. They sacrificed ethics for a chance at power. And now they have it, on the coattails of a disabled, unaccountable ogre in a position that’s far, far above him.

One thing is certain. This incompetent leadership will make our lives replete with opportunities for heroism.

Are Democrats Better at War?

In my job building a new way for Americans to communicate politically, I often need to be non-partisan. It’s often challenging. To be non-partisan, I need see that my own opinions arise from my point of view, rather than from truth. One of the ways I do this is by seeing the falseness of generalizations. Recently I ran into an assertion that Democrats were better at war.

I read this interesting piece from David Brin from 2012 on how Democrats and Republicans wage war:

One of these retired flag officers told me: Democrats admit they don’t know anything about military matters. They consult, they ask questions, they listen.

He added, “Republican presidents all assume they’re some mix of John Wayne and Patton. Plans are for nerds. Caution is for wimps.

My initial feeling was that the article is wrong in its generalization.

It says Clinton made a small mistake at the beginning of his presidency, learned from it, and then was careful and successful. Obama has been careful and successful from the start. And Bush made huge blunders for years before finally turning Iraq over to the military, resulting in a third of our deficit, a half million lives lost, and the continuing destabilization of the whole region.

But are Democrats really better at war?

So does that mean that Democrats were better than Republicans at war? As far as I know, Bush senior, a Republican, did fine at it. He had the discretion to not overthrow Saddam Hussein, foreseeing all of the problems that Bush junior did not. And before that, while Reagan (R) seemed like a cowboy in the Iran-Contra affair, I think Nixon (R) and Johnson (D) made very similar mistakes about the Viet Nam war.

It simply means that a person who’s willing to proceed cautiously, listen to experts, exercise judgement and learn from his/her mistakes is probably going to be better at war. That’s regardless of political affiliation. And it probably means they’ll be better at all aspects of governing they bring these skills to.

Have the parties changed?

But I’ve found myself agreeing with many others that the parties have changed over time. Republicans have catered to a base that values emotions, belief and philosophy more and thoughtfulness less. This population is more susceptible to the emotional propaganda from right-wing media. And they are alienated by both political-correctness and scientific facts.

The leadership has similarly changed. John McCain chose the inarticulate Sarah Palin as his running mate. Romney and Ryan seemed more thoughtful in 2012. But Trump’s current stupidity, contradictions and childish temperament are obvious, but many Republicans are swept away by his confidence and self-righteous anger.


So perhaps since Bill Clinton was president, Democrats in the White House have been better at war than Republicans. But I think we should emphasize and value the traits that make this true. Perhaps one day soon, the Republican party will value wisdom and judgement again.

Progressives have Challenges

History can be seen as a long struggle to make progress, as a battle between progressives and regressives. In the previous post, we saw how regressives are driven by a dislike of change, or a greed for what’s working for them. In this, we’ll look at the challenges facing progressives. And perhaps they can achieve more by a change of marketing.

Progressives accept the way things are. They are simply trying to see how to keep the progress we’ve made and still enable people to have better lives. They face challenges.

Many people find change hard to fathom

Progressive solutions aren’t easy to understand in terms of yesterday’s culture. Whether ending slavery or giving women equality, these were tough concepts for many people in their day. For two thousand years Christianity inculcated most westerners with the acceptance of slavery and the subservience, even ownership, of women.

One way of looking at this is that a person’s notion of the world can’t stand change. If you change something, it disturbs the world. The notion that “women are equal” makes the whole biblical history wrong. Maybe it was okay for Abraham to have multiple wives, but only if they both agreed. Did they? Did they have a choice? What does it say about Solomon’s thousand wives and concubines?

Many people can’t stand cognitive dissonance. Either the Bible is true or fiction. And many people believe it’s true. They don’t realize the fluidity of world views and that a lot of good and evil is defined by humans. Killing a friend out of anger may always be wrong, but owning your spouse was once right and is now wrong. That’s a challenge for many.

My point is that a lot of people are uncomfortable with thinking. So they don’t want to do any more of it. They don’t want to revisit what they’ve known to be true.

The lure of philosophy

And often, progressives get caught up in philosophy instead of solutions. They may even fight against each other. Like the “small government” or”states rights” progressives who end up siding with regressives.

Another example is the libertarians who confuse the usefulness of motivation and competition with the notion of an ideal “free market”. They often think government can’t be efficient if it’s a monopoly. So they work to eliminate it instead of figuring out how to motivate it or provide competition for parts of it.

Or the socialists who oppose capitalism when they really object to the abuses of capitalism due to inheritance, abuse of corporations and the tax system. Inequality isn’t bad, but huge inequality is, especially when it leaves many people destitute and suffering.

Progressives handicap themselves in marketing

The biggest handicap for progressives is self-imposed, in marketing. Progressives often market solutions to problems instead of pictures of a better future.

Giving women equal rights sounded horrific to many. But allowing women the freedom to work safely and be paid fairly sounds great.

Giving rights to homosexuals and transexuals sounds weird! But it’d be great to let people express themselves and their sexuality without fear of bullying, ostracism or shame.

Getting rid of coal for heat and electricity and getting rid of gas for cars sounds dreadful. But it sounds great to build up our green energy production, create jobs, become energy independent and end funding of radical-muslim countries.

Stopping climate change seems hard and expensive. But restoring the environment of the 1900’s seems wonderful.

Similarly, fixing politics sounds impossible. But it’ll be great to have our politicians to be truly accountable to citizens. If this kind of political accountability is appealing to you, please add your email address to our mailing list.

Regressives dislike Change or are Greedy

History can be seen as a long struggle to make progress. It can be viewed as a battle between progressives and regressives. A regressive is someone who wants to keep the status quo or “return” to a simpler time.

Regressives come in two flavors.

There are two kinds of regressives. The first are people who can’t accept the world the way it is. They live in old, simpler stories and want to minimize or evern reverse change. The second are people who are prospering. They want the world to stay as it is now, even glue it to its current state so their prosperity is assured or grows.

Can’t accept change

Many people can’t accept the world as it is because they have low intelligence. Trump supporters are a great example. They are angry about Hillary’s supposed lies, yet ignore Donald’s obvious ones. They accuse Hillary of crimes she’s been proven innocent of, but ignore Trumps bankruptcy’s and lthe many times he’s been sued. They even ignore the current allegations of bribery and tax violations with his foundation. Plus there are the allegations that Trump is a rapist including of minors, and his diagnoses of being narcissistic and a sociopath.

These people look to a warped view of a “great” past. They easily commit the sin of pride. Many have pride in America, ignoring Bush’s lies that started the Iraq War and its huge costs in money and misery and the huge evil it created in ISIS. They ignore the America that lost the Viet Nam war (which was also started with a lie). Many ignore that America is racist, obviously in the practices of slavery and in butchering native Americans. And blatantly racist in the 1940’s in locking up Japanese Americans, and in the 1960’s fighting about jim crow laws.

Many of them idealize a simpler past. Why was it simpler? Maybe only because they were younger and had simpler thoughts. Plus, knowledge has appeared to blossom over the last 20 years as people have used the web to publish, search and communicate more easily.

And many of these people have been listening to Republicans tell them how horrible America is and how liberals are a threat. They’re worse off economically as tax laws favor moving more money to the corporations and the wealthy, while they’ve believed their party line that it’s due to central government and high taxes.

The desire for nostalgia does not lead to solutions

The world of the past led to today’s problems. We can’t expel half of our citizens to reclaim the days when there was still plenty of desirable property to homestead. Nor can we go back to pre-World War II days when fewer women wanted to work, nor the 1950’s when manual-labor jobs paid well. Not even to the 1960’s when homosexuals and transvestites kept to the shadows so rigidly religious people could pretend they didn’t exist.

America’s founders laid the path to “All people are created equal,” though they were not wise enough to say it. In their little world, about 1/100th the size of America today, they had no notion of cars or phones, much less television, airplanes, computers, nuclear or solar energy, or even America spanning the continent.

In particular, we can’t return to the days before science. The Earth is not flat. Creationism and trickle-down economics are childish fantasies. And the planet is warming. Denial and impractical desires may be winning formulas for many Republican candidates, but they don’t help us design our future.

Greedy regressives

The second kind are the greedy. These are led by the wealthy. This includes those that inherited the base of their wealth, and those newly wealthy from business.

Some are insecure and want to protect their wealth. Many feel entitled to a decadent lifestyle paid for by their previously-earned money working for them. Others want to multiply their wealth no matter what the cost to society. These are people in industries that protect future oil, gas and coal profits with climate change denial, steal tax money by controlling congress and elections, and try to get society to eliminate business risk by passing the TPP.

For these people, morality is expendable. Newt Gingrich lies on purpose. An example is his claim that “the truth” is all about what people believe, rather than the facts. And he’s been spreading lies for years that keep Republicans in power, like the lies about Hillary.

A better life means going forward

We can’t go back. As we’ve seen with our society, prejudice and bigotry lead to oppression, hate and backlash. As we’ve seen with the environment, unrestrained industry leads to pollution and global warming.

And it’d help to accept the facts. Rather than stick to naive slogans, we need to accept what we’ve learned. For instance in our economy, trickle-down economics just makes the rich richer and the debt greater.

To create a better life, we must go forward. We must accept the world the way it is now, and build on it to create the world we want. We must progress. The next article will be about the challenges facing progressives.

How You Listen is the Most Important part of Communication

In a Facebook post, someone added a quote about the power of words.  In an article yesterday, I said that words had no power at all. The real power comes from how you listen. The author of the post disagreed. He said that this takes responsibility away from the speaker.

Communication isn’t just the speaker’s responsibility

Being responsible for how you listen takes no responsibility away from the speaker. The speaker’s job is to provide good stuff to listen to. The speaker is 100% responsible for the communication and its delivery.

The listener is also 100% responsible for the communication. The listener is 100% responsible for being receptive and getting value out of it. The listener is responsible for how it lands. You can shirk that responsibility, sure. Or you can try to master it. In fact, if you get good at taking responsibility for your listening, you’ll be amazed at what you begin to hear.

Another myth is that the responsibility is 50/50. Do you know how, in a marriage, 50/50 doesn’t work? It’s true in communication, too. Being half-listening rarely works well. Often it doesn’t work at all.

Listen for value from a lousy speech

There are many great speakers. And some not-so-great. And some are lousy. But a responsible listener can get a ton out of even a not-so-great speaker or speech. This is one tool a manager or CEO can use to make a poor company become great. People may not be communicating well, but good managers can hear what they need. I’ve heard stories of how one VC found a great company that many others turned down. And stories of how a good business heard valuable feedback from customers that other companies were deaf to.

It pertains to encouragement, too. Listen for people’s contribution and then acknowledge it. Listen for what kind of feedback or belief or tolerance or connection or help or training an employee is looking (or listening) for. Tune in to what’s stressing them and relieve that.

“The speaker is responsible” is a myth from the age of television

Thinking the responsibility for communication is all, or even mostly, on the speaker is a common fallacy. It looks like that because the speaker is moving the most and is easy to judge. And we’re used to being entertained by TV and movies and now videos. There’s tons of stuff to criticize. But if you’re listening in order to judge, you’re not listening openly. You’re not listening for possibility or something new.

Granted, this is a different way of thinking than is usual for our culture. Especially in politics, the usual subject of this blog, we’re ready to hear blame or assign blame at every moment. We have deep-seated feelings about people and who’s at fault and our brains are ready to attack or defend in a moment.

You can be responsible for how you listen, for your whole experience

Try to be responsible for having all those triggers and for believing them. When your mind is triggered and produces an angry thought, try to react like your mind was triggered rather than something external is to blame for making you angry. Sure, none of us wants to think the negativity is coming from us. But all minds do that. Your experience can be your own choice.

I’m committed to being responsible for my own thoughts and my own listening. It’s often hard. Maybe some different kinds of minds simply can’t do it- I can’t know… I know my life is much better because of it. And I’ve seen many others do this and value it.

Negative thoughts come up like there’s really negative stuff out there. People seem to be stupid, close-minded and limited. But then I listen for something positive, and it’s there, too.

Maybe I’m more sensitive to this stuff because PeopleCount is communicating a counter-cultural truth. It’s a truth about political accountability that our culture is blind to. It takes exceptional listening that few have been able to bring without coaching. And that’s okay.