President Obama said his key regret was not healing the divisions in Washington. There’s still time. PeopleCount can help. If we make politicians accountable, the divisions will subside.
In a few months, it will be great if he helps us get the word out. So I wrote him a letter and posted it on There’s no “political reform” subject, so I chose “civil rights” (the right for politics to be civil…):
Dear President Obama,
I need your help. And you need mine.
I’m gambling that if I write you enough, someone on your staff will give up their cynicism and alert you that there’s something you should see.
I’ve founded I’ve given up two years of income and borrowed against my house to work on this. And in the next few months, it’ll come to fruition. But without your help, it might fail.
I have a way to transform Congress to be truly accountable to the American people. It’ll end the partisanship, the gridlock.
America doesn’t even know what political accountability is. One of the basic causes of our political problems is that we think it happens in elections. It doesn’t.
For years we had a bit of accountability because many politicians thought it did. But it doesn’t. So many of them “wised up” and no longer represent the people.
But if we had a system that fostered true accountability, everythign would change.
But don’t believe me. Talk with me.
Please, talk with me. Help make politicians accountable. This will heal the divisiveness in Washington.
Of course, there was no response. And I’m too busy to write every day. I tried again on March 7th.
You, too, can help us. Please add your name to our email list, so we can contact you when we launch this Spring.