Political Discussions Online: Must They Be Negative?

Modern political debate seems to be surrounded by negative political ads, conniving campaigning tactics, and disrespectful political rants. These have become the norm in our society. With the rise of the Internet, we have many great communication tools available, but something is missing.

We need a way to communicate effectively, respectfully, and clearly about what we want for our future. Resources like PeopleCount.org are working toward this goal.  Continue reading

The State Of Online Political Discourse: How You Can Make An Impact

The Internet has provided us many unique and increasingly important outlets for discussion, factual analysis, and communication. With almost half of Internet users (48 percent) going online to look for information about a public policy or issue, open political discourse is essential.

We the people have the ultimate power and the party majority. So we should be uniting on a common ground — political parties and opinions aside — to generate change. Continue reading