Bernie’s “Our Revolution” seems like the same old politics.
I’m on a lot of different political mailing lists. I received a message from Bernie Sanders. Well, it wasn’t really from him. It was signed “Bernie Sanders”, but the “From” address was I’ve written to them many times, but never received an answer. It’s the same political run-around.
The gist of the message was in a paragraph:
Same old plea for money
If you click on it, you’ll see it goes to It’s a simple 2-page site (for now). The first page asks for your email address and zip code. I filled it in and clicked on the submit button which is named: “Join the Fight.”
That brings you to the second page, which is TRULY REVOLUTIONARY! (Trigger warning, facetiousness!) You won’t believe how brilliant it is. Unlike any other campaign in history- can you guess? There’s a donation form!!!
I was very disappointed.
They want to create a revolution!
But are using the same-old politics.
They want to represent all of us!
But they use the same old kinds of push-communication, like emails.
They want to overturn Citizens United!
Their plan: Donate money.
This is OUR Revolution!
The Democrats will be running it from an undisclosed location. Who’s running it? ActBlue. There’s no phone number, no person to contact. It’s the same people that have been running half of the political system for the last century. Don’t talk to them, just send money.
I can promise a REAL revolution
I’ll make you a promise. Whatever money you’ve donated to politicians, if 1% of you donate 1/10th of that amount to, I’ll guarantee you a revolution that’ll blow your socks off within 3 months.
Or, email Bernie. Well, his dwindling campaign. Maybe your letters will get his attention. Mine didn’t.
We need more than a few new laws
We need new laws. The Democrats’ New American Security Agenda is a good start. But we need much more than those. In its unveiling at the Democratic convention, they said it took a year and a half to put these common-sense changes together! That’s much too long. Most of them were known 7 years ago when the Democrats had control. Plus, there’s no realistic plan for how to get Congress to pass it. And many more changes will be necessary. Those will take decades. And the Republicans will have ample opportunity to hinder and stop the progress. And to reverse it.
We need more. Please add your name to our announcement list. Your participation will be key to making a REAL revolution successful.