The American political system leaves voters almost powerless. It’s really a lousy system.
The election is over for me. I know whom I’m going to vote for. I read this article on how Trump manipulates people and what he and his followers believe. I read this article that says Trump is almost certainly a rapist and a child rapist. And I’ve seen many allegations against Hillary, but all the serious ones are lies disguised as exaggerations. Most can be debunked on
What kind of system lets those with power, the voters, ignore the system for years? A lousy one.
Since I’m powerless, I can safely ignore national politics for the next two years
So I know how I’ll vote in November. And I know who I’ll vote for for Congress and my Senator. So I can safely ignore federal politics for the next two years.
Doesn’t it strike you as odd that we’re supposed to be a “government of, by and for The People”, but our political system gives citizens nothing to do after choosing who to vote for?
This certainly explains why Americans are mostly ignorant and apathetic about politics. If I pay attention to politics and issues, what good does it do? Mainly, it makes me frustrated or unhappy…
Maybe voting should be the start, not the end
What if voting for someone was merely the beginning of your political participation? What if you actually had a job to do during your representative and senators terms?
That job would have to be pretty easy and fast- most of us have jobs and families to take care of.
But what if there were more to do than just judging personalities every two years and then taking a few minutes to vote?
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